Land's End to John o'Groats 2017

Distance walking has a habit of uncovering truths and secrets one did not know about oneself. I'm interested to see what's left of me after LEJOG. How it shapes me as it's shaped others. 

Journalist Michael Herr heard a soldier remark after surviving combat in Vietnam, "I've been scaled. I'm all smooth now." Now that's interesting...I want to know what smooth means. 

Mountaineer George Mallory knew that to struggle leads to understanding. I want to understand what it's like to live to move and move freely, to experiment being nomadic, to slip anchor and drift north east with the wind until the end of the land.

Hopefully this journal will be of interest to fellow LEJOGers and JOGLEers, or anyone else who's setting out on what LEJOGer Mark Moxon called "this ridiculous walk."

If you have any questions, get in touch.



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