LEJOG - THE BOOK I woke up this morning and the first words out of my mouth were "Don't be an arsehole today." I tried but it was difficult (I'm a professional telemarketer which scores highly on the a'hole scale). When I'm not doing office work I go walking in the country and make up stories about dangerous sea creatures, yogurt and passive-aggressive telemarketers. I thought it would be a good idea to combine these two hobbies into one - I don't mean being an arsehole while walking/writing, I mean writing a book while walking LEJOG. The challenge: to write a book while walking 1,000 miles in 6 weeks. That's 166 miles a week. 24 miles per day. 8 hours per day at 3 miles an hour. 1 mile every 20 minutes. The book must be over 40,000 words. That's a minimum of 40 words a mile. FAQs: 1) What does FAQ stand for? F*** Al Qaeda? Frequently assaulted queers? No, it's a symbol of laziness showing that the wr...