Day 1: Land's End
Saturday Full of pre-walk zeal I leave the B&B without taking a shower or having breakfast and walk along the Penzance promenade to the bus station. It's 06:20. I drop my pack and kill a few minutes photographing St. Michael's Mount on the camera I borrowed from my girlfriend's daughter but after only a few shots the device instructs me that's it's already reached capacity. I assumed it would be the battery that would give out, not the memory card. I pull it out, push it back in, turn the camera off and on, line up St Michael's Mount for a shot and - memory card full. I'm about to start a 900 mile walk with only a wide angle GoPro which is totally unsuitable for landscape shots, I need a point-and-shoot with a zoom; the camera is obviously broken or on a setting I don't know how to fix because I only used it for the first time the day before yesterday. I should have taken my own I'll have to s...