Day 10: Severn Bridge Travelodge: "There is no finer place."

Day 10:

Day 10: Travelodge, Severn View (M48 bridge). Back to the luxuries of life I normally take for granted - a bath, drinking water on tap, the ability to wash and dry clothes, electricity...bed! I slept until 09:00! I had a delicious breakfast of branch chain amino acid, 48 grams of whey isolate followed by 50 grams of soy protein isolate/carbohydrate recovery mix fortified with vitamins and minerals and a BLT. Went up to the lookout point nearby for some trophy photos. Then to Burger King to take advantage of the Travalodge 20% discount (I've been walking for 9 days so I can pardon this dietary crime). I really pushed hard these last two days to get here in good time; maybe that wasn't smart with the longer goal of JOG in mind, but injury-wise I got away with it. I need to remember, there are still 700 miles left to walk. Be careful. Right, time for a beer!

DAY 11

A note about the blog

I must be the only LEJOGer without a smart phone. This means I don't have the ability to update this blog when I'm on the trail. My support team back home kindly offered to update the blog for me, so this will be communicated by text message and written up on my behalf. It will therefore be brief and without photos. I will expand on this when I get back from my journal entries, dictaphone recordings and photo journal. The detailed account will be published as a book which will be available on Amazon.


Thank you to everyone who has made a donation to Helping Hands for the Blind, a respectable local charity. You can make a donation here. Using Gift Aid, the charity is able to claim an additional percentage of each donation from the government as part of the Gift Aid scheme.  

While I am not tracking how much has been raised, the charity themselves may wish to do that; leaving a note with your donation such as "LEJOG" will help them do that. To be frank, it's more important that they receive donations than it is for me to take credit; they're actually doing something important whereas I am going on what could be described as a holiday.

My books

Lastly and leastly, I am an independent author. Writing is a pleasure even if reading it isn't! I will write an account of my LEJOG journey in the form of a book which hopefully will encourage other people to give LEJOG a try (and probably discourage many more). If you want a copy, the first batch will be given free of charge. Ask and you shall receive...

My other books are available on Amazon:


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